Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The Resident Evil User Interface Strikes Again
When she came over we looked through my collection and pulled out one that hadn’t been touched in a while. I remembered Resident Evil 5 fondly so we popped it in the Xbox to discover the fun that laid in wait.
Our discovery however was more frustrating then fun because the control interface made it very difficult to convince the players to do what we needed them to do for our survival. After about 30 frustrating minutes during which we saw ourselves being hacked to pieces multiple times, we decided to lower the difficulty setting to normal thinking that we just need to remember how to use the controls.
“Ok,” we tell ourselves “now its time to kill us some bad guys.” Nope. The big ax guy from chapter one strikes again. Now the frustration is building and we just can’t seem to convince our characters to do what we want them to. We get hacked into tiny pieces again and the game mocks us by flashing “you are dead” written in blood on the screen as if watching someone hack us into tiny pieces wasn’t a good clue.
I’m sitting here thinking to my self that I know I made it through this whole game like a year ago. What is the deal?
Well after about two hours of failure we’d had enough and my sister through in the controller wanting to play a different game which I happily obliged knowing that I was saving my controller from certain death as one of us was sure to chunk one across the room if we had to watch our demise one more time.
We then went on a search for a new adventure that didn’t have a backwards user interface and all was well with the world once again.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Fighting Hunger
My Aunt is a teacher in a school were poverty is so pervasive that EVERY student gets free breakfast and lunch. The school pays for every student to have a toothbrush and the teachers make sure that the students brush their teeth after both meals that they eat at school.
Walmart is donating money to the communities that get the most support to use for food for families that cannot afford it. Visit their site http://fightinghunger.walmart.com/ to vote for your community or one that you know is in need.
While I'm sure that this is a great tax write off for Walmart, hopefully it will help some kids that may only get to eat the food that they get from school.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
To a Lost Friend
When we were younger
Life was good
And we had so much fun.
But as the days passed by
We met new people.
That had new ideas
And new faces.
We saw each other
Every once in a while
Life pulled us different ways
yet still we smiled.
But then I realized
That you were gone
You went through the motions
But no spirit was there.
Ashamed of your deeds
You hid from your friends
The ones who loved you
Even with sin on your hands
We could not condone
How you’d chosen to live
But that doesn’t mean
That we couldn’t forgive
Some claimed rebellion
Some blamed a boy
But I knew deep down
You were lost in your self
I hope someday that
You can see
The value in you
That was never lost on me
As the days go by
I think of you often
And hope life treats you well
In spite of yourself
I’ve always known
You have such potential
That you can succeed
If you truly desire
You’ll be a good mom
But don’t stress so much
Keep your head on straight
Don’t do drugs and such
We all wish you well
And we hope you’re alright
My two cents of advice
Is never tell yourself a lie
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Like a Hot Sword
You and I.
Its been so long
It could be a lie.
Life's no fun
Without your antics.
So why do I find you
so pedantic.
I see you face
You make me smile.
Yet at every step
We must walk miles
You say I fight you
But I think not
Yet I must live with
What we’ve wrought
Monday, December 6, 2010
If only I could really fly
Yea, that's right I'm sitting in the pilot's seat of a helicopter. Unfortunately I have no idea what all those buttons and knobs do and if you want to continue living you best not fly with me....Yet! : )
I've always known that flying was tough and that it took a lot of practice. However, I was unprepared for the shear number of pedals, buttons, knobs, and other gizmos that are necessary to get this glorious heap of metal off the ground.
Can you imagine what it takes to be able to fly something like this? On TV we see action stars jump into the pilot seat and take off not necessarily knowing what they are doing or learning how to fly as they go along. But I can attest to the fact that if I were trying to fly this thing without any training it would be a disaster. I might be able to figure out how to start the engine, but after that it would pretty much be like trying to fly a spaceship and would most likely end in a fiery death.
But no worries I didn't do anything crazy. It was just a Christmas party and the pilot let me take a picture in his seat.
Good Times! : )
Friday, December 3, 2010
Amazon spanks the competition with a Kindle
Lately I've been scrutinizing and researching trying to determine which eReader is best and I have finally come to a decision. Amazon's Kindle is far better then the eReaders offered by Barnes & Noble or Borders. The reasons why are:
1) As much as I love Borders and their coupons. Their eBook store has very little selection and offers very few items for free or at discounted rates. Sorry Borders you’re just not in the competition yet.
2) The Barnes & Noble Nook has a touch screen panel which sounds cool, but it’s just a small panel and frankly I’d rather have the more functional keyboard of the kindle then the novelty of the touch screen.
3) Amazon has put together a HUGE amount of eBooks that are out of copyright that you can download for free. However, the free for a limited time selection at Barnes & Nobles seemed more interesting then the current limited time freebies at Amazon.
4) One of the major reasons that I have been weary of paying money for a book in electronic format is because my sister and I trade books and I like to share with others. With the Nook you can already lend a book to a person for 14 days and Amazon will soon be adding that as a feature on the Kindle as well.
5) The Kindle is much thinner and lighter then the Nook. It also looks much more attractive.
6) The Kindle has a new feature that allows you to plug in headphones and listen to some books instead of reading them. That’s perfect after a long day of work when you’re tired and just want to travel to a different place.
7) Both come preloaded with a dictionary but the Kindle allows you to access Wikipedia from the device when you are connected to Wi-Fi (unless you purchase the unit that comes free 3G service).
Also I think that is pretty cool that you can have an app on all of your devices (PC, phone, etc) that stay in sync so that you can switch devices and keep up with your notes and bookmarks.
All considered, Borders was never in the fight at all and Barnes & Noble’s put up a good fight but ultimately Amazon’s Kindle is the eReader that has given me a case of the “I wants.”
Monday, November 1, 2010
Fable III, need I say more!
Things you can learn from Fable III:
1) If you don't want a STD use a condom
2) Your actions can change you
3) To much fatty food will make you fat
4) Trespassing is a crime
5) It's really hard to save everyone and still be nice
Friday, October 29, 2010
More Evidence that Stupid People walk the Earth
A man comes in and is looking around. He asks where the bathroom is and we tell him. Nothing interesting there, you never know where you'll be when nature calls. He wanders around the store "browsing." Before he walks out the door he looks at the TV display where we are selling these really cute portable Televisions and looks to the cashier and says I'll be back for the TV and walks out the door.
He just successfully stole over $90 worth of merchandise. But that's not the crazy part.
About 15 minutes later the manager gets a call from a customer saying that she thought that the guy was stealing stuff from the store so he reviews the tapes and sure enough there was video footage of this guy cramming stuff in his pockets.
Here's the good part....
Less then a hour later the guy comes back, just like he said he would, and his first order of business is to try to return all the items he just stole for store credit.
He just went out to his car and took off all the magnetic strips and came back inside. If he hadn't come back we'd probably never have caught him. If you want a mini-TV that bad then get a job or just steal the stupid TV.
The story ends with the guy in the back of a police car. Justice has been served.
Friday, October 22, 2010
My xbox made me do it!
My favorite type of video games are the shooter games. They are just so much fun. My enjoyment doesn't come from pent up rage or aggression, I find them fun because they are challenging and entertaining. I find it humorous that people are trying to blame school shootings on the video game industry. If you don't want your kid to play violent video games, then you should refer to the rating system posted to every video game sold in America.
Friday, October 15, 2010
I've only got three things to say to you today!!
OK, now that I've gotten that out of my system.
2) One of the things I enjoy is looking at and (when I have money) buying funny/cool t-shirts. So I figured that as I peruse the Internet in search of awesome shirts I'd post some of them here so that you don't have to go hunting for hours clicking through trying to find something that is in the least bit worth while. In that spirit I will post a picture and link to an awesome shirt for you're enjoyment.
My current favorite on the list is the one I found on Amazon of R2D2 running away from a giant Star Wars Camel
3) Again I was perusing the Internet when I found this blog post and felt the need to share. It's basically some pictures of some FAIL cakes in honor of breast cancer awareness month. Now I realize that breast cancer is serious, but you just can't help but want to V8 slap whoever made these.
Here's the link:
You should go look, its pretty funny! : )
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Its been awhile
Where have I been? Well life has been positively crazy! I don’t think I even live at my house any more, I just sleep there. I miss my XBOX and my Netflix!!! I’ve been going non-stop for the past three weeks, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. This weekend I have TWO whole days in a row off. I am beyond excited because I don’t remember the last time I had two days off in a row. There is going to be some serious fun times this weekend. (And of course the occasionally break from good times to study, believe me I have not forgot about school).
I plan on heading down to Canyon Lake this weekend. I have no idea what I’m going to do when I get there, but I am getting out of the metroplex and trading in my current set of crazy people for a whole new set for the weekend. (Lord knows we’re all crazy and you can’t escape that).
For those of you wondering what a metroplex is:
A metroplex is a large metropolitan area containing several cities and their suburbs. It is also sometimes used as an alternative to metropolis or megalopolis, which is a chain of continuous metropolitan areas. The term was coined for, and is still commonly used to describe, the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex – Wikipedia
Basically what that means is that somewhere along the way some crazy person from Dallas/Fort Worth made up that word and it stuck and is now an acceptable word. So as you can see because we just make up new words from old ones so that we can be “unique” there inherently are crazy people all around me (and I might possibly be one).
But to get back to the point, I’m sorry for my absence for which I can give you any number of excuses as justification such as: I’ve been to busy with work and school or that I’m sick. All of these are true, but honestly the real reason is that I just haven’t made time till now to sit down and actually write anything.
But I shall leave you with one of my currently favorite songs and music videos. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Choose to Not Be Stupid
In my genetics class the professor frequently stops class to answer questions of students who have raised their hands. Now, normally this would be a good thing because we all want to learn. That’s why we are spending thousands of dollars on our education, not simply to use up the air conditioning. However in many instances I find myself more than just a little frustrated with people who come to classes and then just sit there playing on facebook or disrupting class.
Last class one of said students who constantly asks the dumbest of questions raises his hand and I just put my pencil down because I know that nothing not worthy is about to be said. The question can barely get out of the students mouth before half the class (the half paying attention) will shoot said student a WTF look. I mean seriously dude where have you been? Were you dreaming off in your own personal fantasy and just decided you wanted to join the rest of us? Our professor is nice looking but not so provocative that you can’t pay attention for an hour and a half. Have your day dream fantasies on your own time because she answered your question five minutes ago. I’m sitting through class because I want to hear what she has to say otherwise I’d just read the book and show up for the test.
Another thing that really frustrates me about being on campus is that students age 18 to 54 will just jump out in front of cars as if the laws of physics don’t apply and more. There is a protected crosswalk about 50 to 100 feet from you are you that lazy that you can’t walk that far in order to help ensure your safety? I’m pretty sure that your high school, possibly even junior high teacher taught you Newton’s three laws, they are a science staple.
Law #1: Objects in motion will stay in motion and objects in rest will stay in rest unless acted upon my an external force.Hmmm….. a moving car wants to continue moving and will an external force (the brakes) to stop its movement
Law #2: F=ma (Force equals mass times acceleration)Do I really need to do the math for you to figure out that a car will exert way more force on you then you will on it? This will ensure injury to you but not necessarily to the car.
Law #3: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
In the scenario person versus car, car will win so don’t tempt fate. Just use your brain. This kind of stupidity is a choice. Choose to not be stupid!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Even when trying to waste time I find something interesting to do
One of my favorite excerpts so far comes from the very beginning before the story even starts. It is profound yet humorous and also rather sad.
A pious man explained to his followers: “It is evil to take lives and noble to save them. Each day I pledge to save a hundred lives. I drop my net in the lake and scoop out a hundred fishes. I place the fishes on the bank, where they flop and twirl. ‘Don’t be scared,’ I tell those fishes. ‘I am saving you from drowning.’ Soon enough, the fishes grow calm and lie still. Yet, sad to say, I am always too late. The fishes expire. And because it is evil to waste anything, I take those dead fishes to market and I sell them for a good price. With the money I receive, I buy more nets so I can save more fishes.”
I love this because it can apply to almost anything. Hitler, the economy, the crusades and pretty much anything else that people are trying to mend or change all come to mind when I read these few sentences. History is riddled with "good intentions" that didn't turn out so good for someone.
Friday, September 10, 2010
My Cake was YUMMEY
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Yea! Thats how you do 23 on a small cake! |
It was the same old birthday fun. We went out to eat, ate cake, etc etc. Then my sister and I played on skype while the boys watched the football game.
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Aren't we Cute?! |
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Oooh!... Ahhh! |
Also somehow lots of extened family members got my cell phone number and either called or texted. Thanks guys! I saved your numbers so now we don't have to talk through the "grown ups."
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Its raining it pouring..... DAMIT!!
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
All in all, its was a pretty good book with alot of plot development and good writing. Just don't go into it with your mind preblown and you'll most likely enjoy the hell out it.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Why don't you see?
It will beat no more.
The blood that once flowed
now sits cold.
I've changed since I've met you.
I've lived since I've met you.
If living must kill me
then I'm not sure whats the point.
Your compassionate touch brings me ecstasy.
Your scolding glare rips me apart.
I've hurt you too,
but I just can't stop.
I am lost in your love,
but I drown in your anger.
I've become cold and desperate
Relishing the good and accepting the bad.
My fire used to burn bright
but I've lost the desire to shine.
I've lost my life, my way
and the love of all but you.
I've thought of leaving,
of leaving not just you.
The only thing keeping me
is the person I used to be.
I am sad and I am lonely.
I am happy and I am loved.
They all whorl around me
each emotion striking at will.
I've lost control of myself.
I've let myself go.
I've changed who I am.
I've given up my goals.
But I still hold on.
I still have hope.
Someday I'll speak.
For at last I will find peace.
I love you,
but I see you
better then you see yourself.
Just as you do me.
So why can't you see?
that I'm lost inside?
that I'm dying inside?
or do you see?
I stay because I care.
Can you say the same?
I know we're not perfect,
but why must I take the blame?
My blood pumps no more
and my fire has died?
I'm here because I love you,
but its hard to survive.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Silly Goats
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Sophie & her Babies : ) |
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Donkeys Dixie & Chloe |
I love all the animals, they are pretty funny to watch and will follow you around if they think you'll give them a treat. So naturally when I saw goats on the news I had to share it with everyone. Goats are super sweet and social animals, but they aren't particularly bright. This is one reason why you have to have really good fences that they can't escape or get stuck in. Fortunately there was a happy ending.
Monday, August 30, 2010
No on likes you when your 23
What can I say I like giving y'all videos to watch. And I too have no idea why they are running naked through the city! I guess when you're twenty three you go crazy. We shall see! : )
For those of you that will/are bugging me about what I would like as a gift. I typically ask for things like money to fix my car or a new ceiling fan, etc. I have been instructed that birthdays are for wants not for needs. Well I want these needs to be taken care of, and with that in mind I have started a list of items I would greatly appreciate here. I'm mostly looking forward to seeing and hearing from everyone.
Monday, August 23, 2010
That chipmunk looked way cuter
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Here's a picture I found online. The super chubby cheeks look cute on him. So not fair! |
So thats what I've been doing lately, studying, working, and trying to cope with rolled up socks in my mouth. By the way my face is still swollen and still hurts pretty darn bad.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Its Business Time
Yes I know that they have nothing to do with each other, perhaps later I'll explain how this happened, but not today.
Yesterday was another crazy day at job #2 and I came home went upstairs and passed out on the bed. A few hours later boyfriend came into my room singing a catchy little song. I didn't get it seeing as how I'd never heard it before, but being that I'm already awake now and I am who I am I started singing along even though I have no idea what the words are, sometimes I was singing with him other times I was just making stuff up. Then he breaks out his computer and proceeds to play the song. It was freaking hilarious! I had no idea what I was singing, but now I'm like "OMG this is so freaking hilarious!!"
Friday, July 30, 2010
Please mommy! Pretty Please!! I want a robot!!!
So to get back to the point I would love to have something/someone besides my self to help clean up after the boys and these little guys can be set to run automatically : ) Its like a dream come true.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Be a Dear Won't You Deer?
Don't They Look Cute? |
Now I've seen the movie Bambi many times and I've seen many deer throughout my life so I must impart on you some first hand knowledge. Deer are beautiful and graceful animals from far away. I do enjoy watching them and even today I will "oh" and "ah" when I see them. However, not all deer are nice like Bambi.
When my sister and I were younger we were up in New Mexico for a family vacation and one of the fun things we got to do was feed the deer that came up to the cabin we were staying at. We both had a lot of fun, but we ran out of food. Being out of treats for the deer we turned around and headed back towards the cabin. The deer started following us and we were pleased. I believe the exact phrasing was something akin to "oh goody the deer are following us." They followed us for awhile, but when we didn't turn around and give them more food they attacked! One of them threw a hard kick at my sister's back nearly knocking her over. Mind you my sister is about 6 and I'm about 11 so realizing that these three deer are serious we high tailed it out of there and ran screaming like the little girls we were back to our cabin.
To this day I don't know what happened to those three deer but I do think twice before approaching wild animals.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Thank God for Semi-Modern Technology
However, looking at my seemingly endless list of chores and tasks I must give thanks for the washing machine. While the unit that occupies my laundry room is most literally as old as I am, it complies with my every request and for that I am truly grateful. I can place my clothes inside turn it on and walk away to move on to something else on my list. Before the washing machine women would spend all day washing clothes in buckets and streams, some even resorted to beating them with sticks in order to get the dirt out.
I thank God that I was born in the modern age where I have a reliable pieces of technology that will see to the cleaning of my things.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I read this book in about a 4 days. I just couldn't put it down, every spare minute I had this book was in front of me. You can probably find it in the young adult section of your bookstore or just click the link on the bottom which will take you to Amazon.com (I feel I must disclose that if you purchase it from the link I provided I will receive a commission from Amazon.com). HAPPY READING!
Could it possibly be that by sharing their lives with people all over the world people are able to connect with others from anywhere? Is this the allure of the Internet?
I have always been a quiet person that has mostly kept to myself, however, I have decided that perhaps it would be a good thing to share pieces of the life I lead. I work two jobs, attend a University, and rent out two of the three bedrooms in my house. All of these responsibilities are major parts of who I am because they fill my life. Additionally, I LOVE to read. In order to maintain my sanity in the midst of all the chaos of my life, I must set aside time to read each night, or as often as possible, lest I get lost in work, studying, or chores.
So, jumping into the twenty first century, here I embark on a mission to participate in and understand the blogging craze.